Mankind is desperate for heroes.
Throughout history, we have made idols out of scientists, gladiators, philosophers, and soldiers. In the present day, we put athletes, musicians, and actors on the same high pedastal.
This week has reminded us "idols always break the hearts of their worshippers." (C.S. Lewis via Matt Niemier). Sure, many have been suspicious of Lance Armstrong for a while now, but the fact that he finally admitted destroys almost any admiration that can still be held for that man. While the Manti Te'o story is still unraveling, it's revealed that at least part of his public persona was a facade.
When our real-life heroes fail us, we create them out of our own imaginations and give them super-human abilities. We label them Ironman, the Hulk, and Captain America.
I celebrate great athletes like most people. I enjoy the escape of a two-hour blockbuster movie that details the epic adventures of these superheroes.
But it all falls apart eventually. Even the best movies end, and all real-life men and women are flawed and will eventually fail to live up to the perfect expectations we've set for them.
It speaks to the depth of our hero-need that we are so quick to prop up another when one falls. The process is never ending.
Worship - Failure - Discard - Replace - Repeat
Thankfully the process can end when we turn our attention to the One who never fails. Jesus is the Hero Worth Following and He proves it by His authoritative words and powerful deeds. Mark 1 makes the case and presents the evidence.
See you Sunday.