Yet for some reason I could never fully buy into him as an artist. He feels like the musical equivalent to Dane Cook. Popular, talented to an extent, but there's just something that I don't trust.
And yet I can't deny I love this song:
It's a pretty self-centered love song. It's asking one's potential love interest to fully commit and meet certain demands. Which is ok, just weird to think about and not something I can ever imagine being in a position to do. At the same time I get it, one is in a relationship with another person who doesn't seem totally 'in' and you want them to step up and buy in.
I have to admit it though, it's a fun song. It's a great tune with catchy lyrics that declare his love for this unnamed woman. And it was also featured in an episode of Scrubs which has settled into my top three favorite sitcoms ever (seasons 8 and 9 notwithstanding). So while it is my firm belief that pop music has totally over-saturated the airwaves with songs about love, this one at least comes at it with an unique angle.