Monday, September 21, 2015

Music Mondays

In May of 1999, just a few weeks away from graduating high school, I fulfilled a life-long dream by attending a dc Talk concert at the Ft. Wayne War Memorial Coliseum. 

We had ground level tickets near a secondary stage that the group used throughout their concert, but predominantly for an unplugged worship set mixing their own songs and others. 

It very much resembled this:

I had the good fortune to be able to be right up next to this secondary stage during their whole set and it was phenomenal. It will always be the best concert I have or will ever attend. It was my favorite band at the height of their significance and artistry. 

I'm sharing this walk down memory lane not just to reminisce, but to also share that classic song. We're beginning a sermon series at church in 1 John which deals with fellowship with God and "walking in the light". God as light and walking in the light are major themes of the book to the extent I could use this song to connect to multiple passages in this letter. 

As the passage which Toby Mac read reminds us, we can claim to be in good standing with God all we want. But if our actions do not match our profession, we are just hypocritical liars. 1 John 1 especially calls us to address our sin - to confess it rather than rationalize it (1:8-9), to depend on Christ rather than deny our problem (1:10-2:2). 

Do we? Are we?

Let us be in the Light as He is in the Light. Let us shine like the stars in the heaven.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Music Monday

It's been awhile, but we are done with vacations and holidays for the time being, so on to Music Monday!

I'm a sucker for songs that incorporate classic hymns and put a new spin on them. This song does that, actually alluding to two traditional songs: 

Big Daddy Weave - "My Story"

Can you name the two songs it references?