It is disheartening to hear of our President's Executive Order banning refugees and citizens from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States.
Disheartening but not surprising, since this is essentially what he's promised from the early days of his campaign.
Disheartening but not surprising that the seven nations listed do not include Saudi Arabia, Egypt, or Turkey - all nations where Trump has business interests.
But this post is not about bashing our President. Out of respect for God's Word and the Office itself, I will pray for him and his administration.
No, this post is about those anti-refugee American Christians that support this measure. There is no biblical reason and very few practical reasons to view this as a good thing.
Let's start with the practical first - and I'm going to keep this short and sweet:
To anti-refugee American Christians, you are safe.
Research shows that crime rates do not proportionally rise when we welcome in these refugees. You have a 1-in-3.64 BILLION chance of being murdered by a refugee. These are people who are thoroughly screened by multiple government security organizations. It is irrational and illogical to support this ban when people need our help.
Now for the biblical argument against supporting this Order.
It is a consistent biblical theme, that God expects His people to welcome the "alien and stranger" among them and treat them well.
No matter the covenant, age, or circumstance, God is consistent on this point - see Deuteronomy 10:17-20, Isaiah 14:1-3, Ezekiel 22:29, Jeremiah 22:3, Malachi 3:5, Matthew 25:35, Hebrews 13:2.
One of the most powerful passages that highlights caring for refugees is Jesus story of The Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37. It's a story many learn from childhood because it's such a great example of love no matter your (or their) political or religious background.
And let me make one more philosophical-yet-biblical point:
This is an incredible opportunity to spread the Gospel of Jesus!
These people are fleeing closed, hostile-to-the-Gospel nations and seeking asylum with us.
For decades and even centuries, missionaries have tried to advance the Kingdom of Christ and share the Gospel even in the face of persecution. It has been hard work and lives have been lost so that the Truth could set people free. Underground churches have formed and disciples have been made under great duress. I have been to one such place. It is inspiring to see people be faithful to Jesus despite the dangers. But while the Gospel has spread, these nations have continued to remain spiritually oppressive and antagonistic towards Christianity. It makes Gospel work very difficult.
But now Muslims from these restrictive areas are seeking to come to our nation where we can freely and openly share with them the hope of Jesus? Are you kidding me?
If it seems like I'm shouting, that's because I am.
Let's not let this chance go to waste. Let's invite as many in (through the proper channels of course) - and let's as the Church, mobilize to reach out to these needy people. Let's help them with their practical and their spiritual needs.
Let's not give in to irrational fear, but let's seize upon this as an opportunity God is putting in our laps to advance the cause of Christ.
As the people of God, let's make our voices heard that we do not support this ban or any other measure that would similarly needlessly hinder people from entering our country.