Our small town of Milford loves to celebrate Memorial Day in a BIG way. From numerous garage sales, Carnival Rides, a Classic Car Show, Talent Showcases, and all kinds of food, it's a big deal locally. And of course it all culminates in a parade on Monday honoring those who have fallen in military service to our country as well as those who have served.
Our church is located smack dab in the middle of town making this a great opportunity to connect with people. So what we've done for the past several years is cook hotdogs on our 'front porch' and pass out free food and drink to those walking by visiting the attractions.
It's a neat way to tangibly be a blessing to our town. We've also partnered the Gideon's to pass out their New Testaments - and this year we had some folks from Nappanee First Brethren come and do outreach as well.
Our goal and supply level was 650 hotdogs, 700 drinks, and over 400 individual bags of chips.
We ended up grilling around 800 hotdogs, while passing out close to 800 drinks and 500 bags of chips.
We'd been worried about the weather forecast, but our prayers were answered as it turned out to be a perfect day. We were so thankful for the opportunity to show love to our neighbors and plant seeds of the gospel in people's hearts.
And as a pastor, I have to brag on my people who came out to help man the tables and be the hands and feet of Jesus.