Monday, December 16, 2019

Music Mondays

Our worship team led us in a song yesterday that made me go "oh, that's a Christmas song? That's a Christmas song."

It's one of those I've heard, but never really listened to or connected it to Christmas. 

If you don't believe me, try the lyric video.

We are unpacking Isaiah's prophecy of a coming King in 9:6-7 in our Advent sermon series, so even though it surprised me a bit, this song was very fitting. Jesus embodied each of Isaiah's royal titles in a unique way and he certainly continues to embody the king who reigns and will reign forevermore.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Some 'serious' thoughts to consider about Thanksgiving

I realize Thanksgiving has come and gone, so I may be tardy in sharing this video below. 
But if you are like me, you still have a full belly from all of the feasting you did late last week. 

So why not consider these wise words as you look back on all the good times you had. 

A Turkey's Plea from Andy Waddell on Vimeo.

(h/t to my peeps at the Brethren National Office -