Friday, August 23, 2013

Sermon Snippets

Daniel 8 is an apocalyptic vision of the future, much like Daniel 7. It's interesting that this follow-up dream that God gave Daniel (two-years after the first one), has some elements in common with chapter seven's dream but narrows the focus to the kingdoms of Persia and Greece.

At this point in our series in Daniel, I think it's worth taking some time to talk about the interpretive issues that must be dealt with when dealing with chapters like these.

As my former professor Dr. Brent Sandy eloquently describes, prophetic writings are made up of three categories:
  • Oracles of Salvation - These focus on encouraging downtrodden people with visions of hope for the future.
  • Oracles of Judgment - These criticize those who are spiritually numb with warnings of coming punishment for their sins.
  • Apocalyptic Visions - These are sci-fi type episodes that contain fantastic visions of the future that are totally unique and other-worldly.
Apocalyptic material "addressses a serious crisis of faith. If God is truly in control, why has he allowed things to get so bad her on this earth?"*

There is so much going on in this world that seems pointless, out-of-control, and unjust. I encourage you to turn to books like Daniel and Revelation. Instead of trying to parse every detail and figure out an end-times timeline, why not try another approach?

Why not let those incredible visions and images point you towards God's sovereignty and His ultimate plan that He is working out. God is at work and will have His good purposes come to pass. The apocalyptic visions may blow our minds like they did Daniel (Dan. 8:27), but may they also embolden you to see past the shadows and remain faithful to our sovereign Lord.

*Sandy, D. Brent. 2002. Plowshares & pruning hooks: rethinking the language of biblical prophecy and apocalyptic. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press. Pg. 103-128.

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