I grew up in the first generation to experience cultural concern for self-esteem. Our teachers and parents had an elevated sensitivity about how we viewed ourselves. It was a positive development in the area of young people's mental health. Obviously it's not good to have an elevated sense of one's self-importance, but to have a poor view of one's value and worth can be even more damaging. A low self-esteem can lead to depression, self-injury, and suicide. What is needed to avoid those destructive consequences is a proper view of one's intrinsic value.
This is relevant to this week's passage in Philippians because I believe the American Church has a self-esteem problem. No doubt some American churches have a problem with an elevated sense of self-worth. But there is a growing perspective that is just the opposite. Many are becoming concerned that the
American Church is dying.
I am of the opinion that the demise of the American Church is greatly exaggerated. Articles like
this one by Ed Stetzer provide perspective and balance to the hysteria that believes the sky is falling. I am also of the opinion that Jesus' words to Peter and the other disciples in Matthew 16:18 serve as a promise:
18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
The American Church could die and this promise could still be fulfilled - since it is describing the worldwide Church. But it's not dead yet, and as long as there is life in the American Church, God's Spirit and Power still exist in it. And those are the ingredients that make the Church unstoppable. Jesus is describing it as an invading force overwhelming the Gates of Hades. Satan cannot stop it. Death cannot hold the Church back from advancing. Success is guaranteed!
Paul understood this, which is why he could be so resolute about otherwise adverse conditions (Phil. 1:12-14). The Gospel was going forth and that's all that mattered. Even when it was spreading because of impure motives, Paul was joyful (1:15-18a). The Gospel was advancing - nothing could stop it. The Gospel is still advancing - and nothing will stop it.