Monday, August 4, 2014

Music Mondays

This is likely showing my age, but I signed up for my first email account in high school with Juno. It was in the days when you could have an email account, but not an internet connection.

As I explored the world of this new technology, I soon realized the popular thing to do was add pithy quotes to the bottom line of your email, almost like a "P.S.". As I thought of ideas for my own special quote to go with my signature, a line from a favorite hymn - "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" -  popped into my head:

"Love so amazing, so divine,
demands my soul, my life, my all"

This fit well because I was personally embracing my commitment to take up my cross and follow Jesus. I had decided to pursue a career in full-time Christian ministry and was dedicated to doing whatever God wanted me to do with my life. I still had MANY lessons to learn about this, but that part of the song rang true to where my heart was. 

We concluded our service yesterday with the below version of "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross". It's a different tune and approach, but I appreciate how it lets each line marinate on our lips and in our minds. And I especially appreciate how it concludes by focusing on the lines which have struck a cord with me since my early email days.

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