Friday, October 24, 2014

Replying to a Reply re: Dispensationalism

My friend Dave Lester, whose blog had compelled me to write this, responded on his own blog to my rambling discussion. Not only does he write fairly, but he is able to deftly handle the pertinent issues. Below is my response to his response originally left as a comment on Facebook.


Dave - excellent post, a much better response than my post warranted.
Let me just say this up front, my Progressive Dispensational views only have like 10% relevance to my end times views...PD is much much larger than defining what will happen in the
End of Days. And I'm not sure being PD requires one to be pre-trib, just pre-mill (I think).

We virtually agree on everything regarding Revelation/prophecy - thanks Dr. Sandy! I'd probably be a preterist and a futurist. It related to their day and a day still to come. And the whole point is we must be faithful and trust God's sovereignty.

I do feel like one of the big misconceptions of end times theology is this default to "no one knows the day or hour". I agree that is true - Jesus said it after all - and Paul does say in 1 Thess. 5:3 that it will come like 'a Thief in the Night' (bad movie reference #2). But we also read in THE VERY NEXT VERSE, 1 Thess. 5:4, that this return of Christ WILL NOT SURPRISE those who are faithful and 'not in darkness'. In other words, those who are faithful during those days will see it coming. Not in a specific way where we can set our watches by it, but there will be clear signs that the end is near. I believe this is also the point of 2 Thess. 1 and 2. Thus all of those who lazily say "I don't hold a view, it will all pan out in the end" risk falling short of Scriptures exhortation to be sober-minded and anticipate Christ's return.

A couple minor quibbles with your post:
- I'd quibble just a bit that the 7 yr trib is not in the Bible at all - not in Revelation yes. But this is where we dispensationalists start referencing Daniel and the 70th 'week'. But that's really not important to your point.
- In the end, you just connect some dots differently than I do - saying that if there is a 7 yr trib, than that contradicts Jesus' words that 'no one will know the day or hour'. Other than my above point, I'd add we pre-trib folks mostly believe that relates to the rapture (Jesus referring to the general Day of the Lord arriving, further revelation specifies it as the rapture). So Jesus' statement still stands (again qualified by my above point) that no one will know the day or the hour as it pertains to the rapture.

I guess this could have been a separate blog post after all. Didn't think I needed to, but I may just copy and paste this to make it an official reply to your reply.
- Lee

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