Monday, November 3, 2014

Music Mondays

This song became popular thanks to a Michael W. Smith cover in the early 2000's, but I will always remember hearing it first at the summer camp I've mentioned in previous posts. 

This is a unique song among its contemporary peers as it involves singing parts, albeit simple ones compared to the harmonizations of older hymns (or in some cases what you could do with older hymns).

Every time I've sung it in a church worship setting, it's always been arranged in a straightforward way with men singing their lines and women singing theirs. There's certainly a beauty to it, yet it always falls just a bit short by my high standards. Why, because when I was originally introduced to it, the men sang their lines the first time through as did the women - and then they switched parts the second time through.

Personally I always found the women's part - the rapid fire singing of the various names of Jesus-  to be superior. So in my ideal world, both genders get to share the full force of this song. But alas, I continue to be let down (just a bit). Oh well, I'll get over it. After all, it's the message of the song, not how it is sung that is most important.

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