Yesterday we encountered this command as we studied 5:15-21. I've concluded that being Spirit-filled or Spirit-controlled is THE secret to the Christian life.
Therefore, I find in concerning that the Holy Spirit has been overlooked and ignored by many in Christian circles (see Forgotten God by Francis Chan for a helpful corrective). This is certainly true about our worship - which is ironic because a major result of being filled by the Spirit is worship - "addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart..." (vs.19).
There has been an influx recently of Spirit-centered songs. I thought I'd feature two such songs which share the same title but are very different.
The original:
The new song:
While each are distinct unto themselves, they both do emphasize the transformative work of the Spirit that we all need. Without it, we are hopeless to please God. But thankfully we've been given the third person of the Trinity to enable us to live out our faith from the inside out.
*Gordon Fee, God's Empowered Presence, p.721-722, 1994. As cited in Klyne Snodgrass, Ephesians NIV Application Commentary, p.289, 1996.
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