I felt like I gave a mediocre sermon yesterday. It covered the entire book of 2 Thessalonians and went much longer than I normally preach (probably was at least one story illustration too long). You can judge for yourself here #myhonestfeeling #notfakehumbleselfpromotion.
Part of the reason for my 'long-windedness' and my general feeling of frustration after speaking on it was the fact that this little book packs so much into its three chapters. Chapter 2 especially makes things complicated as it covers details about the end times. Paul seeks to clear up some confusing teachings that were out there and describes the elements they can look for that will signal the impending second coming of Christ.
While there are plenty of different interpretations about the millennial kingdom and the tribulation et al, the point of application is generally the same for all camps. We should live godly lives in preparation for the return of our Savior - whatever that may look like and whenever it may take place.
The above song is a Christian classic that echoes similar sentiments - though based off of a different Bible passage (Matt. 24:40-42). It also has been the subject of different opinions and interpretations, with some debate about what that passage is teaching specifically. Like 2 Thessalonians though, the main point of the song still stands no matter what. It will be a sad thing if we aren't ready for Jesus' return.
So as I work through my own overly critical angst about one sermon, I trust you can enjoy a really cool performance 22 years ago of a 40 year old song.
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