Monday, September 26, 2016

Music Mondays

"Could be she got lost or maybe she just watched a little too much TV..."

So begins this week's featured song "Angels" by All-Star United, written almost 20 years ago.

All-Star United was one of my favorite bands as their songs were filled with sarcasm and criticism of Western self-indulgence.  "Angels" is spot on as it describes the the wandering "drifting satellite" nature of post-modern youth. In fact, it really fits much of our culture at large, regardless of age.

Sure, the Lord is faithfully watching out for his own (which is what the 'Angels' are doing in this song), but how many are just adrift, chasing after one thing or another. Whatever makes us feel good, whatever seems fun, we'll try it out and jump in headfirst.

The author of Ecclesiastes tried it all too. Chapter 2:1-11 detail how he chased after pleasure it all it's various forms to find meaning:
"And whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them. I kept my heart from no pleasure, for my heart found...and behold, all was vanity and a striving after the wind, and there was nothing to be gained under the sun."
The pleasures of life have their place, but they are gifts not goals. Christ has blessed us with entertainment, food and drink, creativity, and wealth. But those things are not the 'be all, end all'. 

Hopefully, we can wake up to the meaninglessness of these worldly pursuits and recognize God's guiding hand on us that is prompting us to a better way. Hopefully, we can listen to the "angels holding our hands as we walk through the dark".


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