I am not a church planter but was there to learn, observe, and support our MissioChurch Brethren Church planters.
It was a blast.
It was a week of connecting with new friends and old, being equipped for more effective ministry, and being challenged by world-renowned speakers in the main group sessions.
I tried to take careful notes as much as I could and as I have reviewed them, I've come up with 12 of the most memorable quotes.
Why 12? It's the number of disciples and tribes of Israel...ok that wasn't the intent. It is the ten that really spoke to me plus to personal ones that you'll want to stay to the end for.
So here we go, in no particular order:

- Albert Tate
2. "The drift of the human soul is always towards self-reliance."
- Matt Chandler
He may have been quoting someone, but I didn't catch it if he was.
3. "We are kept from our goal, not by obstacles, but by a clear path to a lesser goal."

4. "Step out in fear because people need hope." - Jodi Hickerson
It may have been "faith" instead of "fear" but she was speaking about overcoming fear and introducing anyone and everyone to Jesus. It was the last line of her talk so I probably did get it mixed up.
5. "If Jesus had a church in San Francisco, I'm sure mine would be bigger!" - Francis Chan
He was commenting on how he/we had lost our focus on making disciples and settling for what works.

7. "Our job isn't to regulate sexual activity but to help people be like Jesus."- Deb Hirsch
Deb Hirsch taught an insightful and relevant workshop on "Redeeming Sex" and how we might better think through sexual issues biblically. Bonus Quote: She shared a great one by G.K. Chesterton: "A man knocking on the door of a brothel is a search for God."
8. "Sifting will develop our faith to depths it couldn't otherwise achieve." - Wayne Cordeiro
9. "When Jesus prays for you, you'll be fine." (referencing Luke 22:31-32)
- Wayne Cordeiro
10. "God is for you, but He's not about you." - Joby Martin
11. "You sound exactly like Todd McShay." - Aaron Wilkinson
Aaron is a admissions recruiter for Wesley Seminary and we know each other from when I used to go on the road in the same position for Grace. I ran into him at this conference and as we caught up, he compared me to the NFL Draft analyst for ESPN. And you know what, I think he's right.
12. "We live like, two hours away." - Jacob Netherton
Jacob and I were co-workers at Grace in the Admissions Department while he was in Seminary. He took a pastoral position a little before I left Grace but I pretty much lost track of where he actually was serving. To my everlasting embarrassment, I guessed wrong twice as we chatted in between sessions. No longer a Hoosier, he and his fam are Floridians. I felt so dumb because he's a guy I've actually kept up with via Facebook. Sorry bro!
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