Monday, April 23, 2018

Music Mondays

As this blog indicates, I serve as a pastor in Milford, Indiana. Wikipedia will tell you that Milford is a town of about 1,500 people and not much else. Our local news will tell you that, like so many other communities in our area, it is dealing with a significant meth problem. 

Of course, Wikipedia and arrest reports don't tell the whole story. There are good jobs, pleasant people, and - for me and my church - great ministry opportunities. 

I appreciate the Lord leading us here. Even though I grew up close to it, I didn't give it much thought, other than it being a place on the way north to bigger and better things.

I wonder though if the seeds weren't planted in my late high school/early college years for me to end up here. And it all began with a band called Bleach. 

Bleach was one of those niche Christian bands whose fans were loyal and adamant that they were underrated. Their second album Static had some fun hits but it was their overlooked third track that stuck with me.

"Rundown Town" tells the story of a aging minister who never finds any limelight but leaves a legacy of faithfulness to where God called him. Something in my soul was immediately drawn to this idea from the first time I heard it. 

Since I was a kid, I always had this belief that I was destined for greatness. As I grew older and my athletic abilities fell short of "pro-level", I started coming around to the idea that how I defined "greatness" could use re-evaluation. I realized that God's definition was way different than mine or the world's. 

So when a pastoral opening at a small-ish, but healthy church came across my path. I saw the opportunities as much as anything else. And it hasn't been disappointing. Sure we want to see our church's influence grow and I'd like to make an impact on many lives. But those are the right goals, those are fringe benefits to properly serving the Kingdom. Fruit/results/growth - those are all by products of faithfulness, plus they are out of my control and in God's hands anyway. 

And that's how I've discovered fulfillment in the midst of a 'rundown town'.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Music Mondays - extended family edition

Most of my Music Monday selections fall under the contemporary music category. But I've noticed that my recent choices, including today's, fall under the more 'old-school' or traditional classification. 

Also I'd like to note that I've got all kinds of family with musical gifts - grandparents, parents, siblings, and in this case - uncle and cousin's husband - but poor little ol' me is left to just blog about it. 

Monday, April 9, 2018

Music Monday

At the conclusion of a service I was participating in - but hadn't planned out, the worship team played this week's Music Monday selection.

It is a classic hymn that didn't just speak to me personally, but also professionally. 

The particular reasons as to why aren't important, but don't the simplest Gospel truths make the most profound impacts on our hearts. Praise God for the grace that is greater than your, than mine, than all our sin.