Monday, November 26, 2018

Music Mondays - Best Covers Ever

Some covers become classics because the second artist(s) offer an original take on a song that is not originally theirs. Many covers become classics because the song and the secondary artist fit perfectly in style and tone. 

This week's selection is one of the latter category. After Rich Mullins' tragic death, a tribute album was produced featuring many other CCM giants recording their versions of many of Mullins' hit songs.

I was a college student at the time and as soon as I heard of the album, I purchased it through my Columbia House CD club (remember those?). I remember being thrilled to see and then hear that Jars of Clay were covering "If I Stand". It was the perfect marriage of the right artist paying homage to the right song. My only disappointment was that I let a friend borrow the CD a couple months later and that friend had it and a bunch of his own CD's stolen out of his car. 

Thankfully we have the internet and Youtube now to revisit those things we once lost:

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