Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Music Monday (on a Tuesday) - Best Movie Ending Songs

I believe it was watching the end of Stranger Things season 3 that inspired me to figure out my top 10 favorite songs that come up at the end of movies.

Admittedly this is a bit obscure but again, Stranger Things' finale had a powerful moment with Peter Gabriel's "Hero" and it got my mind wandering down this rabbit hole. My evaluation is based off how well the song fits with the overall tenor of the movie. A fun movie ought to have a memorably fun song. A dramatic movie should have a powerfully evocative number to punctuate the finale.

This week, I'll cover songs 10-6 and finish it off next week. By the way, a lot of the videos I'm including have spoilers...so you've been properly alerted.

10. Edge of Tomorrow, "Love Me Again", John Newman.

Ok, I'm going to cheat on #9-10 because these songs technically play right as the credits roll. But especially in this case, it's a fun song that matches what was a surprisingly great movie. I first liked the song because of it's original music video which is an homage to Romeo and Juliet. And while this movie really doesn't have any romance, the song just fits the energy of the Tom Cruise pic.

9. Oceans 11/ The Bourne Identity - "69 Police" David Holmes, "Extreme Ways" Moby. 

Up until I fact-checked this five minutes ago, I was under the impression that Moby wrote both of these songs. Whatever genre it is, you can inject it straight into my veins at the end of these movies because they just ooze "cool".

8. The Graduate - "The Sound of Silence", Simon and Garfunkel

This is a classic final scene well staged and well acted. And the cherry on top is Simon and Garfunkel's classic ballad.

7. Heat - "God moving over the face of the waters" - Moby

This is one of my all-time favorite movies (don't watch the first five minutes of the video below if you don't want it spoiled though). There's something gratifying, honorable, and powerful about this instrumental by Moby. The movie earned this ending and this ending earns this song...if that makes any sense.

6. Drive - "A Real Hero", College Electric Youth

Drive is an unique movie to say the least. But it's really more stylish than strange because of it's soundtrack. It's capped off perfectly by this song. I don't know who College Electric Youth are or where they are from, but it feels like this song was created to play during this exact scene and at the conclusion of this particular movie.

Thank you for indulging me in this little vanity project. More to come next week!

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