Monday, February 10, 2020

Music Mondays: Father and Child Edition

Parenthood is filled with many joys and new experiences. 

What I'm about to share has certainly been new but not always joyous. As my wife said this morning, "You know at first, I thought all those children's songs were dumb. But now I kind of like them."

That pretty much sums it up for me too.  We've entertained our 2 year old with YouTube videos for a while now. We try not to overdo it and there's certainly a point where you start questioning reality after the 14th version of "The Muffin Man" plays.

I don't have the creative energy to rank the best or rate the worst that are in the rotation right now. But for this Music Monday I'm going to pick three different songs from three different "channels". 

If they get stuck in your head, like they do ours, I'm sorry not sorry. I'll offer my own little commentary free of charge.

Here's a good one to start off with. Cute ducks, simple tune, teaching some basic counting skills. I have watched it enough to wonder if this takes the listener on a subtle emotional roller coaster that my toddler is not totally mature enough for. :) Props to "Super Simple Songs" for having a very distinct intro diddy.

Sesame Street has adopted a very clear strategy to incorporate pop culture figures into their videos. This one is a little more obscure as Feist had more of a pop culture moment over a decade ago with her "1,2,3,4" (shoutout to SS for capitalizing on this made-for-their-show connection).  I was legitimately impressed by the choreography of the video and it turns out, this one isn't just popular in our house, it has turned into a phenomenon of it's very own

No feature on kid's songs would be complete without some version of "Baby Shark". This one comes from a group called Bounce Patrol. They have a ton of videos and this one has over 1 BILLION views. I'm not even going to look it up but I think it is safe to say that they are from Austrailia. Their visual creativity is probably a big part of their draw with kids. As an adult, I just imagine you have to really love childhood education/entertainment to do all the over-the-top stuff these folks do. Kudos to them I guess.

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