I just turned 42 yesterday and adding to that our two toddlers at home, I am realizing how the older I get the more comfortable I am being still and static.
And I'm realizing it takes a little extra effort to break up the stasis.
I had a similarly aged friend tell me that many mornings it is tough for him to get out of bed, but once he does he's up and awake. I definitely relate to that but for me it also applies to the couch, during the day, or in the evening, when the kids are running all over the place an tearing up everything.
I don't want to be the dad who's always lounging around on his phone or watching tv, mostly ignoring his kids. People are constantly telling us that while this is a crazy time of parenting, "it goes by so fast" and we should "cherish it". And I do, we do. Sometimes.
Other times I let myself get annoyed at their endless energy or constant inquiries.
Much like my friend's morning routine, I am finding that my penchant for stasis can be easily overcome by a little willpower to just get up. By just putting down the phone and starting to interact, I find the energy and joy to play with my boys or pick up some of the mess they've made.
Rest and stillness have their place in life. But there's a difference between stillness and stagnation. Balance is good, using it as an excuse for laziness is not.
These kinds of lessons spur me on in other areas beyond our living room. Motivation to exercise can start by just 'getting up' and making some time. And my faith walk can certainly slip into stagnation. But a little extra time a little more honesty with God can go a long way to building some positive growth and spiritual momentum.
And of course, just opening up my blog page and typing out some thoughts can start my first post in over a month.
In whatever area of life you're static in, I hope you can find that little push to fight that stasis and get going.