Two weeks ago, I compiled a list of "The Worst Christian Music Videos of All-Time". If you really want to subject yourself to that unintentional comedy, click on that link and check out the videos. But don't say I didn't warn you.
Well, last week I decided to compile a list of "The Best Christian Music Videos of All-Time", but it turned out to be a larger project than I anticipated so I had to postpone the release of my list until today. It turns out there were more quality options than I anticipated.
But similar to"The Worst..." list, I graded these videos according to four categories:
Fashion & Design (F & D) - Will this video age well or has it aged well? What is the 'look' they are going for and is it attention-getting?
Song Quality (SQ) - Instead of how 'annoying' the song is, I've rated how catchy and listen-able the song is. This is a subjective rating, but it's my list.
Video Concept (VC) - Similar but distinct from F & D, this category rates the video on the story that's being told visually (and musically). Does it draw you in and execute an interesting presentation of the song?
Artist Relevance (Art. Rel.) - This is the only category not ranked on a scale of 1-10, but rather 1-5. If an artist is relevant (or still relevant) they get bonus points for using their platform to produce a quality video. I'm not convinced this is a great category to have, since a little-known artist could still make a good video. But I'd rather watch a great movie with great, well-known actors than a great movie with great, but little-known actors. That's just me I guess.
So let's get started on our countdown with an honorable mention from waaayyyy back:
Honorable Mention - DeGarmo & Key - 666
This video was the first Christian video to be played on MTV, and also the first to be pulled from regular airplay due to its content. According to their Wikipedia page, it was pulled originally because it was mistakenly believed to be anti-Christian. Also, having a man catch fire was deemed objectionable and D&K had to re-edit the video before it was put back on.
10. Flyleaf - All Around Me
This is a worship song. It's a worship song unlike any most churches sing on Sundays, but it's still a worship song. The video itself is pretty straightforward but the visuals of paint streaming down the walls along with the cut-backs to the all-white room is eye-catching. And the video also catches the energy of the song perfectly, putting you in a front row seat at one of their concerts.
Total Score = 25.25 (F&D - 6, SQ - 9, VC - 6.25, Art. Rel. - 4)
9. dc Talk - Between You and Me
This song was dc Talk's only single to make it on the Billboard Hot 100 charts and the video likewise made it into regular rotation on MTV and VH1. The chase scenes pull you in to the video and by the end, you really want to know what's in that box. Entertaining video and entertaining song.
Total Score = 25.5 (F&D - 6, SQ - 7, VC - 7.5, Art. Rel. - 5)
8. Michael W. Smith - This is Your Time
Inspired by the heroic testimony of Cassie Bernall who died during the Columbine School shooting in 1999, Michael W. Smith wrote this song. Like many popular CCM songs, it got overplayed when radio stations got a hold of it. But to revisit it today, it's easy to feel the emotion and inspirational tone of the song. It's respectful of the tragedy but earnest in it's challenge to those of us who are left. I couldn't find confirmation of this, but it appears that all the clocks in the video are set to the same time (11:25ish), which I assume is when the attacks occured.
Total Score = 25.75 (F&D - 6, SQ - 9, VC - 7.75, Art. Rel. - 3)
7. P.O.D. - Youth of a Nation
I may have underrated this one. Another song inspired by school shooting tragedies, this video was nominated for a MTV Video Music Award and the song was also up for a Grammy in 2003. The specific background is fascinating and the video captures well the struggle of youth to find adventure, freedom, and meaning in life. It doesn't exploit the tragedies, or even the stories the lyrics are telling, but it addresses them with appropriate empathy.
Total Score = 26 (F&D - 7, SQ - 8, VC - 8, Art. Rel. - 3)
6. Anberlin - Paperthin Hymn
I missed the boat on this one; never heard this song or saw the video until I went to compile this list. This is a really good song combined with an excellent video which includes a twist at the end that I won't spoil. Nice job by Anberlin, bad job my me for not being a fan.
Total Score = 26.25 (F&D - 7, SQ - 8, VC - 8.25, Art. Rel. - 3)
5. Barlow Girl - Beautiful Ending
I may have overrated this one because I heard it on the radio around the time I was compiling this list. But I'll stick with the rating as the song is solid and the video is just strange enough to hold your attention.
Total Score = 26.5 (F&D - 7, SQ - 9, VC - 7.5, Art. Rel. - 3)
4. Switchfoot - Dare You to Move
Two Videos and either one would have landed them a spot on this countdown. I loved the first one which is the original. But the second was the one to land on VH1's Top 20 Countdown. The first communicates the song's message in a more symbolic, allegorical way. While the second is more straightforward and probably fits the bands San Diego roots better. I like them both for different reasons and won't really separate them.
Total Score = 28 (F&D - 6, SQ - 10, VC - 9, Art. Rel. - 3)
3. Lecrae (ft. Andy Mineo) - Background
From "What if I Stumble?" by dc Talk to "Steal My Show" by tobymac, I am a sucker for transparent songs that speak to an artists' humility and awareness of their position as a role model to direct people to Christ. Lecrae perfects that approach with this song and setting the video for this song in NYC was an inspired move.
Total Score = 30.25 (F&D - 8, SQ - 9, VC - 8.25, Art. Rel. - 5)
1a. Lecrae - Confessions
These two tied in my ratings and I will explain why I picked one over the other in the description below. But this is a new video by Lecrae that is professionally done and communicates the core idea of the song. Maybe the symbolism is too obvious, maybe the song isn't the greatest, but something about this video will capture the attention of Christian music fans and non-Christian music fans alike.
Total Score = 31 (F&D - 10, SQ - 7, VC - 9, Art. Rel. - 5)
1. dc Talk - Consume Me
I am a huge dc Talk fan. That is not the reason this video finds the top spot on my list, however (ok, it's not the main reason). The reason it finds the #1 spot is the fascinating visuals and the similarities to the movie Gattaca, which I hold to be drastically underrated. Seriously watch that video and then watch this trailer for the movie and tell me you don't see it too. The dc Talk factor may have broken the tie, but this video earned it on it's own merits.
Total Score = 31 (F&D - 8, SQ - 8, VC - 10, Art. Rel. - 5)
Others that were considered include: Work by Jars of Clay, Rock the Party by P.O.D., SMS by David Crowder Band, Irene by tobyMac, All Fall Down by Grits, Jesus Freak by dc Talk.
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