Monday, August 13, 2018

Music Monday - "Who the Son Sets Free..."

Can you remember hearing a song on the radio and thinking, "I need to look that up later" - only to totally forget it when you get home?

That happened to me with this song, only of course I remembered it thankfully. Yesterday it played on Christian radio on the way home from church. I think I've heard it before, but it really struck a chord in my heart for whatever reason. 

Only, when I tried in my head to come back to it today, nothing. Couldn't even remember the chorus. 
Eventually I figured it was Hillsong and I started scouring YouTube and whatdoyouknow, it turned up. 

If you are still interested in reading more and will indulge my idiosyncrasies, this song does provoke some stereotypical criticisms in my mind. 
It reminds one of U2, it seems to end the same as many other Hillsong singles, and it is very individual-centric. 
But it's musical composition and lyrical faithfulness to God's Word keeps pulling me back in. John 8, 14, 1 Peter 2. 

Yes modern worship can be too much about "me". But the impact on the Gospel upon our identity is a clear emphasis of the New Testament. Let's praise God for what he's done for us!

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