Monday, August 27, 2018

Music Mondays - Paul and The Lego Movie

I'm pretty sure I scared some of our congregation members yesterday when I sang this week's Music Monday selection in a high falsetto voice. If I didn't scare them, I certainly make them laugh at me. If you want to hear for yourself, you can listen here (the illustration comes about the 10 minute mark). 

Here's the real version in case you're not familiar and would like nothing more than to get a song stuck in your head:

An explanation may be warranted if you haven't listened to my sermon. Romans 8:28 often gets used sugarcoat bad things and mask real pain. It gets pasted on many different versions of sympathy cards.  And often, when we aren't sure what to say or do when tragedies strike, we quote it to cover for the questions and confusion. 

Paul was not advocating some sort of "Pollyanna" theology. That approach buys into the false idea that "everything is awesome." The song in The Lego Movie proves to be pure satire and a harbinger of the coming conflict. Romans 8:28 is not telling us to blindly consider only the positives in life. Sometimes everything is not awesome. 

The "good" Paul has in mind is something more significant. 8:29 defines it as "to be conformed to the image of his Son". All things aren't good and won't necessarily work out nicely. But for the believer, they will work out to make us more like Jesus. And that is something worth singing about.

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