Monday, October 12, 2020

Some things we've learned with Baby #2

So "EJ" our second son was born back on New Year's Eve 2019. For our first, Tate, I posted a Music Monday for him and later shared about the drama of his birth. It was my most read post ever.

Oldest kids notoriously get more attention, pictures, and celebration than the siblings that come later. I've wondered in my own mind if having blog posts about Tate but not EJ is an example of that. Thinking it through however, I think it is a little simpler. While Tate had some unusual aspects to his early life, EJ has been pretty normal by comparison. And normal hasn't felt "blog-worthy". 

EJ has been a joy and welcome addition to our family. He certainly adds to the dynamic of our family. Going from a family of three to a family of four has not been a little thing though. So as I've considered it, I've come up with a few blog-worthy things I appreciate because God gave us little guy #2.

  1. I appreciate the busyness. "Appreciate" is a relative term here. Going from 1 to 2 kids doubles the work. We thought we had our hands full with Tate. Adding EJ to the mix has certainly stretched us. But it is rewarding work and a beautiful responsibility. We don't take our kids for granted. In the day-to-day grind of our parental routine, we try to survive the busyness. Then every so often, moments come along that make you appreciate the craziness.

  2. I appreciate the differences. Tate's story had drama.  And as he grew, he ended up a little behind developmentally when it came to crawling, his core, and walking. We got him on the right track thanks to a local facility. EJ had a pretty simple birth. He seems to be right on track with his physical development, figuring out crawling and using it to his advantage. Also along these lines - Tate was born pretty bald, with only peach fuzz on his dome. EJ has had a full head of hair at birth and will no doubt need a haircut way earlier than his brother.

  3.  I appreciate the bonds of family. Before, it was two parents caring for, working with, and loving on one child. Now, there is more of a peer-to-peer element with these brother siblings. Even at this early stage, it has been cool watching them as they interact as brothers.

I should add that my wife has been a rock-star as we've had to figure out this new world of two kids. There's been plenty of stress, especially with this pandemic. She's worked hard to cover so much and God has given us enough grace to manage. And that's all we've really needed.

1 comment:

  1. So many similar experiences with my first two kids, especially about the hair! Seems like #2s have someone closer in size to copy and advance more quickly. Thanks for sharing this and helping me remember that my children once were little.
