Monday, March 1, 2021

Music Mondays

Theme songs have magical powers. 

Before, I would have affirmed that statement while recognizing how hyperbolic it is. You'll never be able to convince me otherwise of it's literal truth now that I'm a parent.

Partly due to my own tv watching habits and partly due to my own affinity for these songs, two distinct, lyric-less songs will stop our two boys in their tracks and get them dancing in front of the tv.

First, is the classic ditty from The Office:

Going back to the early days in our marriage, I would often drum tap on Stephanie's leg whenever the song played at the beginning of the episode. Now I carry on that tradition with our sons and it has gotten to the point where they will halt whatever activity or mood they happen to be in, in order to listen to the music.

A second one has emerged as a powerful attention grabber, this time without my enthusiastic encouragement:

I am a sucker for the classic L&O shows, my personal opinion being that the after the first 10 seasons or so, the writing and plot structures became a bit formulaic. The classic jazz/blues number (is that the right genre?) really matches the tone of the older, grittier seasons. 

Much like The Office, my kids couldn't care less about the show itself once the song is done, but it is so amusing to see them react to the music each time.

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