So my wife and I started our family "late" according to convention. We were married 11 years before we welcomed our oldest into this world. Almost exactly two years later, boy #2 came along.
Both have taught us a lot of lessons. Lessons people talk about plenty but only parents really know. So I realize I'm not breaking new ground here but one parental observation hit me today.
Our youngest is turning into a real unique individual person.
Astonishing right?
So, he's got ear and eye infections along with being contact-traced at daycare which means our routine is upended and he's hanging out with dad a bunch.
Being our second, he has more or less been a tag-along as he's grown up. His big brother is more active and naturally advanced meanwhile #2 is just along for the ride.
Well, as I tried to get some study in and work done from our church nursery today, I suddenly recognized, "this little man is his own dude". He's at a fun stage where his personality is starting to show and he can communicate verbally just enough.
I'm thankful they get along with each other pretty well. I'm thankful for a great wife to share this privilege of a burden (or is it burden of a privilege) with. And I'm thankful for my little guy who's growing and learning and proving to be both a handful and a blessing.
Postscript: This is kind of dumb but I notice a lot of parents don't use names or post many pictures of their kids online for often unspoken but understood privacy and security reasons. I don't buy it all 100% but abiding by those principles nevertheless.
Enjoy boys Lee. They will grow up faster than you want. Make every day count.