Monday, January 18, 2016

Music Mondays

#Blessed has become an over-used social media hashtag. Sure, some people use it ironically, but it cheapens the significance of real blessings when we attach it to our latest Starbucks drink or Amazon purchase.

Ephesians 1:3-14 sets us straight. It is effusive in describing all the true blessings we've been given by God and it is extravagant in how it praises God for those gifts. 

Sometimes we need a reset in our heart's perspective. For me, the above song has that effect.  "Amazing Grace", "Unfailing Love", "Laying Down Your Life So I Would Be Set Free" - beautiful, real blessings.


Monday, January 11, 2016

Music Mondays

Admittedly most of my Music Monday features have centered around Christian music, especially praise and worship. Today I'm going another direction based on the news that has dominated the headlines this morning. 

Last night, music icon David Bowie died of cancer

I can't claim to be a huge Bowie guy, but even as a casual pop music fan, I knew enough of his work to understand how influential he was and is. In fact, one of my favorite songs of all time was a collaboration he did with Queen. 

Before I insert the video, check out the final verse (Bowie is credited with authoring most of the lyrics):

That's profound, even Christlike you could argue. The whole song offers a perspective on life and love that most songs completely ignore and fail to understand. I don't want to overdo it here and act like these musicians were something they were not. But I'm the kind of musical connoisseur that appreciates biblical values wherever they are expressed and found. Plus, this is just really good music.


Monday, January 4, 2016

Music Mondays

Well, we made it to 2016. And this being the first Monday of the new year, I thought I'd share a fairly new song aptly titled "First" by Lauren Daigle. 

More than having a relevant title, this song speaks to the heart all followers of Christ ought to consistently embrace - especially when we celebrate the New Year. Instead of making resolutions that get quickly discarded a few weeks in, maybe we can make this our heart's cry and our life's commitment for 2016.

"Before I bring my need, I will bring my heart"

That's not our natural bent when we approach God. But it's the order we ought to take to properly honor Him.