Monday, March 8, 2021

Sermon Snippets

I always try to "practice what I preach" but yesterday offered a perfect opportunity to test that out.

My sermon passage was Hebrews 4, which largely focuses on entering "God's rest". We all love our rest - who doesn't love a nap?

In context, "God's rest" is more than a nap of course. He references it in relation to the entering the Promised Land in the Exodus (4:1-2,9-10). But also connects it back to Genesis 2 when God finished his creating our world (4:4). He also implies that it is something we can experience or discover today (4:7). Some have seen it as our reward of heaven when we die, others believe it to be God's full realization of his Kingdom at the end of the ages. Others define it as a state-of-being we believers can enjoy now (See Guthrie's NIV Application Commentary on Hebrews, pg. 151-155)

So what is it? Which of those options best captures what "God's rest" is?

It may be a combination of all of them in reality. God's rest will ultimately be established in the New Heavens and New Earth (Revelation 21-22). And except for the last generation, we will all have to experience death ourselves before we see that day.

And yet, Jesus promises "abundant life" in the here-and-now to those who follow him (John 10:10). Our burden of sin is relieved by faith in Christ. Our never-ending pursuit of significance is eliminated when we understand how Christ transforms our identity and has determined our significance. In that sense, God's rest can be experienced in the present. 

With this latter point in mind, I tried to enjoy some of God's blessings and "rest" yesterday. The day started with worship - and worship has always been part of God's Sabbath design. But beyond that - with the sun shining and a young family at home - God's rest looked a lot like this:

Steaks on the grill, marinated with my own special sauce concoction. I overcooked the a little, but sides of veggies and a baked potato made for a filling meal. Time with the boys and the wife was fun, if not also chaotic as it can be with two toddlers. Time for a nap did open up, which felt good. Some NBA All-Star basketball to end the night? Sure, I'll take it.

It wasn't a perfect day necessarily. It was a good day though. 

Enjoy the "rest" God provides. And be sure to heed the message of Hebrews 4, which is, be sure find that "rest" through obediently trusting God's Word. 


Monday, March 1, 2021

Music Mondays

Theme songs have magical powers. 

Before, I would have affirmed that statement while recognizing how hyperbolic it is. You'll never be able to convince me otherwise of it's literal truth now that I'm a parent.

Partly due to my own tv watching habits and partly due to my own affinity for these songs, two distinct, lyric-less songs will stop our two boys in their tracks and get them dancing in front of the tv.

First, is the classic ditty from The Office:

Going back to the early days in our marriage, I would often drum tap on Stephanie's leg whenever the song played at the beginning of the episode. Now I carry on that tradition with our sons and it has gotten to the point where they will halt whatever activity or mood they happen to be in, in order to listen to the music.

A second one has emerged as a powerful attention grabber, this time without my enthusiastic encouragement:

I am a sucker for the classic L&O shows, my personal opinion being that the after the first 10 seasons or so, the writing and plot structures became a bit formulaic. The classic jazz/blues number (is that the right genre?) really matches the tone of the older, grittier seasons. 

Much like The Office, my kids couldn't care less about the show itself once the song is done, but it is so amusing to see them react to the music each time.