Monday, July 24, 2017

Music Mondays

I've had a whirlwind summer filled with opportunities that have taken me out of my regular routine for the past 5 weeks. But we made it through and enjoyed almost all of it. Unfortunately, my blog and Music Mondays have suffered.

In the midst of this busyness, we started a new sermon series on the "One Another" commands of Scripture. If we are going to be the kind of church God wants Milford First Brethren to be, then we should be sure to embody these commands.

At one point, I remember asking myself, "what song would reflect the theme of 'One Another'?" 

Well, one of my favorite songs of all time came to mind pretty quickly.

While the original is an all-time classic, who's to say this more recent version isn't better?  The video is certainly superior and I think the addition Mary J. Blige is inspired.