Monday, November 18, 2013

Music Monday - Songs I'm Embarrassed to Like

This week I'm going in a new direction with Music Mondays.  I'm going to pick a few songs over the next few weeks that I own on iTunes that might surprise those that know me. They may not all be songs I'm super-embarrassed to like, but they are selections I probably won't be shouting from the rooftops anytime soon.

Having said that, I am certainly embarrassed about this first song. I never really liked it when it came out on the radio. It's not a Christian song (which is something that may raise eyebrows since I'm a pastor). It is a song for a generation of youth much younger than I. It's sung by an artist whose reputation grows worse and worse the more she remains in the public spotlight. 

Then why is it in my iTunes library? 

Because in 2011, I led a basketball missions trip with 9 high school-ers from the basketball team I coached. We would go from town to town, game to game and play various teams. We would bring our own basketballs, nets, and sound system to each location to give the event a 'big-time' feel.

Since we had a sound system, we of course would play warm-up music as we got ready and someway, somehow this song found its way into the rotation and quickly became our group's favorite since it represented us as Americans visiting this foreign country. Even thousands of miles away, the crowds in each town recognized the song and often would sing along to it when it played.

So much of me wants to dislike this song. And yet with all the memories from trip that I associate with it now, I can't help but smile and sing along myself. 

Without further adieu, Miley Cyrus' Party in the USA:

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