Monday, August 25, 2014

Music Monday

The missions trip really threw off my blogging routine. But we're back with a Music Monday this evening.
Quick note, on the last part of my missions trip - we did win our last game on Friday, went sight-seeing and shopping at a mall in Manila, then took off early Sunday AM for home...eventually arriving back in the States in the early afternoon on Sunday. Gotta love the long flight over the date line.

This week's musical selection is based on a confession I made in my sermon yesterday. But to give it some context, I was preaching on Philippians 4, and in vs.8-9, Paul gives them some values and qualities we ought to be upholding and applying to the things we think about. Using these verses as a guide for our TV/Movie/Music consumption is an easy application for "whatever is excellent or praiseworthy" and the rest of the list. 

I mentioned I'd be fine with anyone looking through my iPod at my music library because I feel it conforms to the moral parameters Paul lists, even if some of my albums are "secular". I did confess though that there's probably one song on my list I'd be 'embarrassed' by - though not because it's a shady song. Miley Cyrus' "Party in the U.S.A." was our theme song for the basketball missions trip I took back in 2011 with my LCA basketball team I was coaching at the time. So I uploaded it and added it to my library. It's sort of embarrassing but it has a sentimental place in my heart.

So here's a little fun for everyone - of course I can't completely endorse the artist or her lifestyle - but it's a fun song. The larger point of all of this is - does our TV watching or music library conform to the biblical definition of "good". It's a challenging calling that convicts me in many ways because I know I compromise all too often. But let's keep evaluating ourselves and what we are allowing our minds to dwell on.

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