Monday, June 6, 2016

Music Mondays

A random idea for a featured song came into my head today. 

It was a song that was very influential in my life as a kid.
It is a song that still affects me today.

However, it is a song that was never on the radio.
And it's a song I can't find on YouTube. (Seriously!)

It is a song I highly recommend that everyone learn though.

What is it? 

The Books of the Bible song I learned in Kid's Action Club (think Awana without the badges). 
We learned all 66 books of the Bible by singing them in order. 

Now there are a ton of songs out there that rap or sing the books of the Bible in order. But none of them that I found did it in the memorable pace or tune that Mr. Paul (Refior) our fearless leader taught us.

This is the closest:

Here is my personal Music Mondays debut singing the original version that we learned, admittedly completely off-key:

Really the point of all of this is not song itself, nor my lack of singing gifts. The idea itself is what matters. Being so familiar with God's Word that you are adept at navigating it's diverse landscape is crucial because we are called to explore it our whole lives (see Psalm 119).

As a pastor, I still recite this song in my head from time to time to find specific books. The value of this smacked me right in the face this past spring when I taught a freshman Bible Study Methods class at my Alma Mater. There was a significant portion of the 22 students who were resigned to starting in the index of the Bible to find a passage I was asking them to look up. Others bravely, but slowly combed through their holy texts hoping they'd stumble upon the intended destination. 

Memorization is a helpful life-skill. It becomes spiritual cheat code when applied to Scriptural concepts, making biblical studies so much easier. 

If this song doesn't motivate you to memorize the books of the Bible, find one that does - it is worth it and there are plenty out there.

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