Monday, October 3, 2016

Music Mondays

When a band plays a concert, they typically save their most popular song for last or for the encore. 

Twenty-One Pilots buck that trend, which is fitting because they are the sort of band that rejects labels and lanes.

When they put on a concert, they play "Trees":

This is a song that fits the Ecclesiastes passages we looked at yesterday. "Trees" is a song that is aware of our mortality ("I can feel my death"). Yet it is a song that yearns for an encounter with the Divine ("Why won't you speak where I happen to be?, "I want to know You, I want to see, I want to say 'Hello!'").  I could be 'over-theologizing' and over-interpreting here, but knowing as much about the band as I do, I don't think I am.

Ecclesiastes 2-3 laments how death is like a dark cloud hanging over our life's activities but points us to the 'eternity' that God has placed in our souls. This song highlights the same and celebrates it in fact. And for a final statement to be made to your adoring fans, I admire the approach T.O.P. have taken.

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