Monday, December 5, 2016

Music Mondays - Christmas Edition

"Joy to the World" is one of the most popular Christmas songs of all-time. I don't have any metrics or surveys to back that statement up, but I feel pretty same in making that point. 

Some in my particular camp of conservative evangelicalism have objected to it's theology, it's implicit theology. They disagreed with the theological point of view of the author and claimed that it's lyrics were not a true reflection of God's (dispensational) plan. I've always found those arguments wanting and I've become more and more perturbed that those leaders and scholars were nit-picking a beautiful song that extent. I'm all for good theology, but why make a mountain out of a mole-hill and why over-analyze poetry? They weren't the only ones or the first ones to do so as it turns out.

Anyway, I've fell in love with this song again, specifically to this particular modern version by Chris Tomlin:

It's all about JOY. The JOY that Christ's birth, life, death, resurrection, and rule bring. JOY! 

Bonus - here's the version you can hear on the radio:

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