Monday, December 4, 2017

Music Mondays

As I was trying to come up with a selection for this week, I couldn't even settle on a topic. 

Should I go with Christmas music? 
I did that last year and my friend Amy is doing a real good job on her blog on that anyway.

Should I go with the current Top 40 hit that has a lot of backstory but also some depth when you consider its message?

Maybe another day.

Well, what about something related to my sermon, which was on prayer?
There's not a whole lot that comes to mind (at least my mind), at least currently.

Sidetrack - I find it very fascinating how some old-school artists often made prayer a topic. 
Petra, Michael W. Smith, Steven Curtis Chapman...probably not a statement against current artists, just interesting.

Anyway, instead of going all-in about those old-school artists of the 70's, 80's, and 90's, I came across the selection below from a classic Christian artist and I knew this was it. 

To my chagrin, Keith Green hasn't been featured on this blog. Green was a force of nature in the early days as Christian music was becoming an industry. You can read his story here, but he was a prophetic voice who was passionate about waking up the church and calling people to Jesus. He was a talented artist with a litany of great songs despite having a short career. 

Technically though, this song was written by his wife. And it is a beautiful song of dedication and prayer:

Keith Green was cut from a different cloth than what you'll find these days. A man who had a different perspective and who passionately was calling us all to something better.

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