Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Music Mondays - Best Movie Ending Songs (#5-#1)

5. Napoleon Dynamite, "The Promise", When in Rome

A sweet, quirky, funny movie stumbles into a pitch perfect song to end the story. "The Promise"is a quintessential 80's song and Napoleon Dynamite takes place in a world seemingly stuck in the 80's. Both the story and song have a lot of heart though. 

4. Stand by Me, "Stand By Me", Ben E. King

This is a quintessential "coming of age" movie and the ending hits you right in the gut. Clearly they had no other choice to play this song at the end. But they certainly earned it.

3. Lone Survivor, "Heroes", Peter Gabriel

Another ending that hits you right in the feels. Lone Survivor is a harrowing account of a Special Forces operation in Afghanistan. When Gabriel's version accompanies pictures and videos of the soldiers portrayed in the movie, the gravity of the movie becomes all the more real. 

2. Fight Club, "Where is My Mind?", The Pixies

Fight Club is a crazy movie with an all-time twist ending. So how do you go out with a bang? Go with The Pixies' haunting and lyrically-nonsensical "Where is My Mind?" A match made in metaphor heaven.

1. The Breakfast Club, "Don't You (Forget About Me)", Simple Minds

Is there a more iconic closing frame than Judd Nelson in The Breakfast Club? John Hughes had a knack for blending the right songs with his great stories. This is the best movie-ending song ever. There's a reason a music-centered movie like Pitch Perfect makes a whole thing of it.

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