Monday, December 17, 2018

Music Mondays - Best Covers Ever #Christmas

We'll keep our feature of Best Covers Ever going for a few more weeks. 
Today, we'll feature some classic covers of Christmas songs - three in fact by three different artists.

We certainly could include choirs and larger ensembles, but I landed on three individual artists whose renditions of familiar carols stick out to me.

First up, Chris Tomlin and "O Holy Night".

I featured this over 5 years ago and everything I thought then still stands. This song has been done excellently by some great performers, but I absolutely LOVE how his rendition invites us to sing it as a song of praise, which is what it is.

Next, I'm going to break the rule I established for the song above. Beyonce's version of "Silent Night" is a performance. But it is a great one at that as she gives us a glimpse of her black-church-gospel-music roots with this version:

Finally, let's jump from "Queen B" to the CCM queen and queen of Christian Christmas music, Amy Grant. This version of "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" is a bit of a compromise between Tomlin's contemporary corporate worship and Beyonce's solo performance. A great version with enough newness to keep you from switching to auto-pilot while listening or singing along.

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