Friday, January 11, 2013

Sermon Snippet: Getting Ready, Mark 1:1-13

Each week, I will try to give a quick preview of this week's sermon. I decided to name in the incredibly creative "Sermon Snippet".

This week, we are starting a series on the Gospel of Mark. Mark is pretty much my favorite book of the Bible because of a class I took in seminary called "Exegesis and Theology of the Gospels". It was an advanced Greek class taught by the incredibly-tough Dr. Bateman who was also an incredible teacher. Through the combination of great research and his sheer enthusiasm, he taught our class the nuances and the overall message of this Gospel.

It dramatically molded how I viewed discipleship and following Christ. It opened my eyes to the beauty of literary structure that the biblical authors (in cooperation with the Holy Spirit) used over 2000 years ago. It also revealed to me how mistaken and flawed the original 12 disciples were, which is encouraging when I find myself struggling to grow, understand, and live out my faith.

And of course, it reminds me of our incredible Savior, Jesus the Messiah and the beautiful plan of redemption God the Father orchastrated through His Son.

The above information has little to do with my sermon directly, but I offer it to explain why we are headed to this particular Gospel, and why I am so excited about this series.

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